Zircon Ore Mining Process

Zircon Ore Mining Process

【Process Introduction】

Zircon ore mining process is the process of remove the impurity and promote the content of zircon. According to the characteristic of raw ore, Yantai Group design methods of gravity separation, magnetic separation, flotation separation, or combined those methods.


Combination of gravity separation, magnetic separation, flotation separation is applied to the Zircon ore with more associated mineral. As for other kind of zircon ore, Yantai Group will design appropriate line.

[Process Introduction]

Gravity separation: zircon ore consist in titanic iron ore, and associated some heavy mineral like hematite or chromite. At first stage of those raw ore, Yantai Group will applied gravity separation. For example, concentrating table can separate heavy mineral with other gangue (quartz ore, feldspar ore, black mica, etc.), then other beneficiation method will be used to get the concentrate ore.

Flotation separation: this method use the flotation machine produced by Yantai Group. Common collecting agent is fatty acid (oleic acid, sodium oleate, etc.).

Magnetic separation: in heavy mineral, there is magnetic mineral, like titanic iron ore, chromite, hematite, garnet, black mica, monazite, etc. Magnetic separation of Yantai Group divided into two methods, dry magnetic separation and wet magnetic separation. Dry magnetic separation required that the selected material have a preprocessing, which included heating curing, classifying, etc. Wet high intensity magnetic separator sort a wider particle size, and particle size limit is up to 20um. Therefore, fine zircon ore often applied wet magnetic separation.

However, zircon ore usually consist many associated mineral. So Yantai Group combine gravity separation, magnetic separation, and flotation separation and design a more efficient method. In stage of wet treatment, raw ore will apply spiral chute or concentrating table to separate heavy mineral with other gangue (quartz ore, feldspar ore, black mica, etc.). The heavy mineral (rough concentrate) will remove the light mineral through 2~4 times of cleaning. After thickening, dewatering, heating, cooling, the mineral will go through the process of dry treatment. The stage of dry treatment include low intensity magnetic separation, strong magnetic separation, etc.

[Case ]

One of case in Hainan zircon plant, raw ore is beach placer. The main mineral in it is titanic iron ore and zircon ore. There are monazite, rutile, magnetite, tin, trace gold and so on. Zircon cover 4%. Yantai Group, according to the features of raw ore, designed process of magnetic-gravity process, which made the good profit.

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