copper flotation process
flotation cell

Copper Flotation Process——Main Equipment

Copper Differential Flotation Process

According to the floatability, this process separates single copper concentrate firstly and depresses other concentrates, then activates and separate other concentrates.

Crushing and Screening | Grinding and Classifying | Copper Concentrate Differential Flotation | Activation Flotation |Thickening and Dewatering

Strictly implement reagent rule, control reagent dosage; Easy to operate; High and stable grade of copper concentrate

Jiangsu 500tpd Copper Differential Flotation Project

  • Ore Property: After the mine sample test, Mine Design Institute concluded that the ore was skarn copper, the main minerals were chalcopyrite and bornite, then magnetite and pyrite.

  • Our Solutions: Yantai Group decided to adopt three stage opening circuit crushing, one stage grinding, differential flotation two stage dewatering process. Three stage opening circuit crushing adopted jaw crusher, the crushing product was sent to cone crusher by belt conveyor for two or three stage crushing,then sent to grid type ball mill for grinding and classifying,the mixed slurry was sent to JJF flotation cell. Then Yantai Group added collector to the pulp for copper differential flotation, and got qualified copper concentrate, then sulfur concentrate. The tailings were sent to magnetic separator to separate qualified iron ore concentrate. Finally, copper and sulfur concentrate were transported to high efficient thickener, thickening underflow was filtered by plate press filter.

  • Process Indicator: Copper concentrate grade: 50%; Copper recovery rate:90.21%; Sulfur concentrate grade:46%; Iron concentrate grade:52%

  • Copper Differential Flotation Project
  • Copper Differential Flotation Project
  • Copper Differential Flotation Project
  • Copper Differential Flotation Project

Bulk Flotation Process

This process floats copper concentrate and other useful minerals together and gets mixed concentrate, then separates mixed concentrate to obtain qualified copper concentrate.

Crushing and Screening | Grinding and Classifying | Bulk Flotation to Get Bulk Concentrate | Separation of Rough Concentrate | Thickening and Dewatering

Save 10% grinding cost; Higher flotation efficiency; Reduce 20% flotation reagent consumption; Wide application and high production efficiency

Shandong 500t/d Copper Lead and Zinc Ore Bulk Flotation Project

  • Ore Property: Shandong client commissioned Mine Research Institute to conduct ore dressing experiment after collected 50kg samples on the scene. After tested the ore properties of sample ore, Yantai Group lab concluded that the main metal minerals of the project were copper, lead, zinc, and a certain amount of magnetite.

  • Our Solutions: Mine Research Institute of Yantai Group carried on preliminary exploration of its processing conditions and found that the copper recovery rate was the highest in bulk flotation process. Therefore, after discussed with client, Yantai Group adopted two stage closed-circuit crushing, one stage closed-circuit grinding, middlings regrinding, copper lead bulk flotation - zinc flotation - copper lead separation process. Copper lead bulk flotation adopted a roughing, three scavenging, four cleaning process. Roughing and scavenging adopted XCF flotation cell, cleaning used BF flotation cell. Zinc flotation adopted a roughing, three scavenging, four cleaning process, roughing and scavenging adopted KYF flotation cell, and cleaning selected SF flotation cell BF flotation cell was used in copper lead separation process. The dewatering of copper, lead and zinc concentrates used efficient deep cone thickener+ceramic filter. The concentrate moisture was about 12% after dewatering.

  • Process Indicator: Copper concentrate grade:40%; Copper recovery rate:83.45%; Lead concentrate grade:50.13%; Zinc concentrate grade:84.68%

  • Copper Lead and Zinc Ore Bulk Flotation Project
  • Copper Lead and Zinc Ore Bulk Flotation Project
  • Copper Lead and Zinc Ore Bulk Flotation Project
  • Copper Lead and Zinc Ore Bulk Flotation Project

Direct Flotation Process

This process utilizes anionic collector, floats copper ore into foam products, and gangue minerals leaves in the pulp.

Crushing and Screening | Grinding and Classifying | Roughing, Scavenging and Cleaning | Thickening and Dewatering

Simple flotation reagent; Simple operation procedure; Less processing cost; High concentration of copper ore and high recovery rate

Chile 1500t/d Copper Sulphide Direct Flotation Project

  • Ore Property: The raw ore was single sulfide copper ore, main copper-bearing minerals were bornite and chalcocite

  • Our Solutions: In recent years, the ore grade of this peoject has fallen, and the flotation index of technology was not good. Therefore, Yantai Group upgraded its flotation technology: adopt JJF flotation cell to replace original flotation column, then add collector and frother as PH regulator, which strengthened concentration process, increased floating ratio of coarse grain. The recovery rate of copper concentrate reached above 94%, and copper concentrate grade was improved by 3%.

  • Process Indicator: Ore grade:3.13%; Copper concentrate grade:47.12%; Copper recovery rate:91.68%

  • Copper Sulphide Direct Flotation Project
  • Copper Sulphide Direct Flotation Project
  • Copper Sulphide Direct Flotation Project
  • Copper Sulphide Direct Flotation Project

Reverse Flotation Process

This process uses collectors of Yantai Group, adjusts PH value, then floats gangue minerals into foam products, and copper ore leaves in the pulp.

Crushing and Screening | Grinding and Classifying | Roughing, Scavenging and Cleaning | Thickening and Dewatering

Save capital investment; Higher copper concentrate grade; Fast floatation speed, high flotation efficiency

Shanxi 1000t/d Copper Reverse Flotation Project

  • Ore Property: The deposit was sedimentary copper deposit, the main metal minerals was calcareous chalcopyrite. Gangue minerals were mainly carbonate and quartz.

  • Our Solutions: Yantai Group decided to adopt three stage opening crushing process, closed-circuit rod mill, ball mill and hydrocyclone, single copper flotation, concentrate scavenging and tailings reelection process. After crushing and screening, grinding, and classifying, qualified mineral particles were sent to KYF flotation cell, BF flotation cell,the alkaline medium was adjusted to PH10 ~ 10.5. Then added copper inhibitors, which greatly improved foam properties. After a roughing, scavenging and cleaning, high-quality copper concentrate was obtained.

  • Process Indicator: Ore grade: 3.6%; Copper concentrate grade:46.0%; Copper recovery rate:87.10%

  • Copper Reverse Flotation Project
  • Copper Reverse Flotation Project
  • Copper Reverse Flotation Project
  • Copper Reverse Flotation Project
